When you buy a lot of things on Sale you start to get a stock of things like BBQ sauce, Pasta, Sauce Salad Dressing..ETC
I buy all meat on sale unless I have a coupon for it. I sometimes tend to forget what I have in my cabinets too so What I do to save time money, FRUSTRATION is once a month (usually after my Biggest shopping trip) I make a meal calender to Plan my families dinners around the great sale items I have purchased. This way everything is getting used, if anything is needed for the meal I plan (like Chili powder or Lettuce) I know in advance and dont waste money stopping to get something last minute that I forgot and needed for some dish I just decided to make that day. II also Enjoy knowing what I need to set out and how much time I will need to allot for cooking that night. I hove found this to be a very useful tool in cutting down on "I have to run out and get ____" trips as well
I would suggest starting with a weekly menu, I do a month one because I Like to plan well in advance, I check my meal plans once a week to make sure everything I need is on hand. If there some ingredient I am out of I either look up a coupon or sale for that and stop when I am already passing the store or I change out the ingredient with something I have on hand (like if I am suppose to make chicken Parmesan and I run out of Parmesan I substitute Mozzarella or make a chicken backed ziti in stead) here is an example of one of my Menus! My family loves it and I usually make them Festive for the holiday occurring that month. this months was plane because of the Move and such I didn't have time to cut out clovers :(
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