Monday, March 5, 2012

Blogging like saving can be intimidating!!!

Wow So I am Trying to set up this blog to get the savings magic out there, and gosh this is all so complicated. I remember feeling like this when I first started couponing two years ago. I would always get the coupons and just be like "I wish I could use these..." then I saw a few stories about super savers on The Today show and I realized how coupons work. Then it was like a light went off. For those of you who dint know The manufacturer of the item the coupon is for reimburses the store the coupon is used at plus a handling fee to try and get people to purchase that product. I was working in a grocery store when I realized that I could be saving tons of money. Now I do it with very little effort. I do the following things to save...
1) I buy two papers on Sunday. (you can subscribe to the paper or get it in the store, subscription is cheaper but I don't like the paper being left out side like a thief in the night. I prefer to get my papers from the store so that I can check for all the inserts. I also have a subscription to the paper.
2) I AM LAZY...I like to watch TV so I have a hanging file (think of a milk crate) with folders in it
I put the date the insert comes on the front with a sharpie and stick all the unclipped insets from the month inside of the folder; Jan, Feb, March...I sit down once a week and clip coupons with my matched up ad lists. this takes about 30mins so put on a sit com and get to clipping, if you have time to watch a tv show you have time to save!!!! I clip coupons as I see them matched with deals on FB too.
3) I check blogs and sales ads for great deals. Lots of places match up sales with coupons for you!!!
4) I PRINT COUPONS FROM THE LINKS ON BLOGS OR FROM, or from stores websites!!!
5) I usually only buy things on Sale.  when you are at the store buy what you NEED, but as you start seeing these things on Sale buy them before you need them. Toilet paper, Tampons, milk, eggs, pasta...chances are you will continue to need toothpaste on a regular basis so if coupon = sale = .20 toothpaste buy as many as you can!!!!!
6) If your Mother in Law doesn't want her coupons ask her for them. IF you are in Starbucks or McDonald's and you see a paper laying around see if you can take the coupons....oh your neighbor thew his paper in the recycle bin...look coupons on top for you. People think Extreme couping is like hoarding, Reality Television has made us all look wacko. SO if you wont join us can we have your coupons is my motto!!! I always try and explain how I save money to people but you cant make the horse drink so drink the water hes not drinking!!!!
7)Embrace junk mail, I love so called junk mail. I receive free coupons for all kinds of fun things like pizza and oil changes. My husband doesn't want to climb under the car after working all week so junk mail helps me. Saturday I want pizza...look at that a coupon for it was deliver unto me thanks USPS
there are also usually grocery ads in your paper so you can glance at them you might see something you need is on SALE!!!!!
8) this can all be kinda over whelming to do all at once but like this blog that's seeming to me to be a donting task it is going to be a gradual thing. The Galactic Empire wasn't built in a Day after all....

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