Thursday, December 27, 2012
I these look really fun and you could potently save hundreds on some bling!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Woolzies !!!
I recently had the chance to try Wool Dryer balls. Since I am trying to be a little greener I figure using them would help me replace dryer sheets that are covered in a waxy chemical gunk and apparently gum up your dryer. So I got my Pretty Green Box of Woolzies and they are so fluffing cute! First off they got little cartoon sheep on the box. Living in Florida you don't see much Wool so I was truly excited to get something that came off an actual Sheep! Woolzies are Home Made by hand so they all were similar in color and size but not identical. they are dense and kinda squishy! I tossed them in to my Dryer! I expected them to make some noise in there but they were super quite!
I am really happy to try the Woolzies as they will save me a TON of money on dryer sheets and cut down on time in the dryer. I also think that it is neat that they are made by ladies in Nepal and that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to think of Fuzzy dryer balls being made in the mountains!
My Dryer is less than a year old and works very well and I think that it reduced the dry time by at least 10 mins (usually a 60min cycle on high heat) I loved taking my clothes out because they were all Fluffy (not the case with dryer sheet) they didn't smell perfumed at all which was good for me because I have been getting head aches that the smell of laundry products seem to make worse. My Husband became away that he never had actually smelled real clean clothes before, devoid of all fakeo chemical sun smell or the Mutant, I mean Mountain Fresh sent (really who wants their clothes to smell like mountains?) I did notice that there was a lot of static in the polyester materials(It says on the Woolzies box to try adding an Aluminium Foil ball to reduce static, I might try it) Hubby wears the polyester to work and In that instance he might like a scent on his clothes.
In general I liked the Woolzies ! I will keep using them. They are GOOD FOR at a minimum 1000 drys, They are a wonderful idea for anyone who wants to extend the life of their dryer, lower their energy bills and are probably a great idea for people that are allergic to or generally irritated by all the junk they put on clothes.
Here is a link to the WOOLZIES WEBSITE you can purchase directly from there
I was given 1 package of Woolzies to use and review, my opinions are based on my experience using the a fore mentioned product for a period of a week (about 4 dry cycles)
Thursday, December 13, 2012
EcoSprouts Review
I have recently become concerned about what is in some of the chemicals in many products we use everyday. I also am starting to collect items for when We have another baby and Advocating for Cloth Diapers. I found out that EcoSprouts detergent was created by a Stay at home Dad that got sick and tired of the Ammonia smell that gets left built up in diapers sometimes. I was intrigued by the scents EcoSprout offers, (I have the Lavender Chamomile scent now, but they offer other exotic smells like Green tea and seasonal scents that I look forward to trying)
EcoSprout is 100% bio-degradable, Hand made from natural ingredients
You use WAY WAY less of this good detergant than you ever would of a mainstream brand.
The Scents are amazing, NATURAL and wash out leaving NO residue on anything
It was created not only for Cloth Diapers but for the entire houses laundry!
It comes in a small package that doesnt take up a lot of space! and
Please visit EcoSprout WebSite and Check them out!
My sheets and cloths have never felt better, my towels are so much more absorbant and dont get all musky
I am in LOVE with this and will continue to purchase this even after my year is up.
Full disclosure I did win a years supply of EcoSprout detergent and after several uses I decided to review the product. I was not asked to write a review of EcoSprouts nor were they aware that I was a blogger when I entered the rafflecopter random twitter contest. My opuinions are my own and were not influenced in anyway.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Tropical Traditions Review !!

Thursday, November 15, 2012
Adventures in Health and Fitness
I eat mostly fresh veggies lean meats and whole grains, but have a ridiculous sweet tooth I can eat a whole pan of brownies by myself, last year I think I ate the pumpkin pie with little help from my son (not in one sitting but still a whole pie?). I really love healthy foods like Kale and tofu and am open to trying new things but I am a southern girl, I likes my Chicken Fried!
I am fat. I have been very overweight since after I had my son 7 years ago. I have not had a problem with my body image or my fluctuating size. I used to smoke but I quit two Februarys back. Recently My husband and I have been talking about having another baby (my husband has no biological children and I would love just one more to complete our family) I was 21 when I had my son, I had a C-section, my blood pressure was out of control, not to mention my stress level (being single at the time was no great helper in this department) My Son has had sensory sensitivity issues ( I believe this is tied to my blood pressure and stress while preggers) and he suffers from Astma (I believe from my smoking and being exposed to second hand smoke both before his birth and as a toddler) If I am going to carry a child now that I am a little older and wiser (I hope) I know what it is going to do to my body and I want to be prepared, I have really changed my diet a lot.
We Cook at home 28-30 days a month We are eating more whole grains less tranfats (oh me oh my I miss my food fried) we are grilling more (I LOVE YOU GEORGE FOREMAN.) I have switched all of my Soy Products to Non-GMOs and When I can I am purchasing Organic and non-GMO grains. Instead of Buying take out like Pizza and Chinese I am trying to make these things at home (I am quite good at pizza) My whole Family is now taking Multi-Vitamins and Appropriate supplements with them. I am a fake sugar FREAK, I LOVE DIET COKE!! I have cut back to two 2L of Diet soda a week. I miss them but have noticed I craze sweets less on days I dont have any diet soda! I actually made brownies several days ago and only ate one so far!
I am have also started drinking 2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in 8oz of ice water twice a day, for various health benefits. I also think this is decreasing my appetite.
in addition to all the afore mentioned nutritional issues, I also have an affront to exercise! I hate walking aerobics suck, belly dancing is fun but do I need to do it... no I think I will sit here and watch Dr Who instead! So with the gas prices and my new found love of being Green where ever possible, Sam and I started Riding our Bikes to school last month. Samuel finished his Physical therapy sessions and has been cleared for any and all physical activity. His school is 1.5 miles from our house and I take him and come back 2-3 times a week in both the morning and after noon (that is 6 miles for me a day) I also have been doing laps around the neighborhood in the morning or going up to the store when I need to on the bike. Not only am I saving Gas I am also losing weight! I have lost 11lbs in the past few months. I feel energized and excited about continuing and I have also been doing little fitness videos and hoping to do and try even more things in this Journey, I also feel I am setting a good example for my son. I am living responsibly and healthily for the first time in my adult life!
I am also using MyFitnessPal to track all of my food, exercise and weight! It is available on Iphone, Android and through the Google !
I will update as I go through this Journey !
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Saving Money and the earth???
I am currently trying to "Green" my cleaning routine I am currently making Enzyme cleaner from Citrus scraps this is suppose to be a very good all purpose cleaner and I intend on trying it in a lot of places here is what you do
Place choped up citrus scaps (I am using limes) In a 2liter bottle (I am using a soda bottle)
add 1 liter of water
1/2c brown sugar and 1 Teaspone of yeast
I Put the sugar in a Funnel and then put water in and it went right in
shake it put the cap on (loose enough for air to escape )
leave it two weeks
strain it
then use it to clean
We will see how this one works but it looks really good
for dishes and laundry (use 1/4 cup of enzyme)
for washing bathrooms and toilets. grime comes off easily (1 part enzyme to 10 parts water)
for removing stubborn stains and odor
to clean vegetables and fruits (1 part enzyme to 10 parts water)
clear blockages in kitchen sinks and drains (use concentrated or blended pulp/sludge of enzyme)
as a natural insect repellent (use undiluted) for ants, cockroaches.
mopping floors (1 part enzyme to 20 parts water)
as a skincare product, e.g. facial cleanser or toner (1 part enzyme to 2 parts water)
wash cars –(1 part enzyme to 20 parts water)
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Save Time Vote Early
prepping for Halloween (Goodwill here I come)
I will be couponing at Dollar tree (maybe I got to look at match ups)
I also am going to Pick up some FREE entertainment for my Family at the Local Library and while I am there I will deff Remember to VOTE EARLY
this will save time as I wont be standing in line Nov 6th it will also Save
sanity and Junk Mail (they stop sending political ads once you vote!!)
Call your Supervisior of ELections to find out where you can VOTE EARLY!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
I am so pleased to start blogging again!!! I have a lot of new ideas and hopefully will be posting lots and lots of deals!!! I will be trying to post some of the crafts/ cooking that I have been doing!
So here is an awesome Money Saving idea
Every Year I try to do themed birthdays for my son and for the last few years I have had trouble finding a cake to match the theme. Last year we got him SeaWorld passes and I could not find a SeaWorld cake any place... so with all my cheap and free Cake mixes and some food coloring and a quick trip to the store to buy some whale toys, I made a Seaworld cake. I also realized that for 5 years I have been shelling out $30 a year on Birthday cake! I must have been Crazy I made last years for only about $10
this years Party was Camouflage theme. Sam got a Bow and Arrows lots of hunting gear and the like
for the Camo Cake
1 chocolate cake mix
1 golden cake mix
eggs, oil and water needed to make cake
favorite white or creme colored icing (enough for two layer cakes)
red, yellow, green food color
Grease nonstick cake pans with crisco and flour or Bakers Joy spray
Make both cake mixes according to package directions
Divide Yellow Cake Mix in half
add green color to half of yellow cake mix (I think I used between 10-20 drops) if you add a quarter as much red and 2 or 3 yellow, you get a forest green like 5r/20g/2y but just green is fine
take three spoons and put "blobs" of all three colored cake mixes randomly in the pan(s) until you are out of cake mix
bake according to package directions
while you are baking
divide the icing into three parts
color the icings I did mine forest green, lighter green and a buttery orange
I put the three colors into zip lock bags and clipped the corners
I cut my icing into quarters because I made a big white target on top of my cake
after the cakes cool
either compleatly ice the cakes green or take your bags and make random shapes with all three colors. (in a camo pattern)
I had fun doing this cake and am going to try a Holiday cake inthe same manner
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Dont Toss it till the dates passed!!!!
So my advice to you is to only throw out coupons when they have Passed their expiration date and not a day before because you could be throwing dollars down the drain :(
here is my Publix trip today
I only spent $6.88 and I forgot to bring My silk coupons for free singles so I will be going back this weekend, I think I need cat food anyway !!! BLURG!!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
New Site for printables
Friday, April 20, 2012
My husbands and my own birthday are with in two days of each other and evry year we go to Houllahan's for free dinner. Just sign up for their emails to recive great offers for drink and dinner specials and every year you get free DINNER on your b day I got the fish tacos this time, we went to a movie (free with tickets from blood donation) then free dinner ( just left a tip) great FREE date night for us!!! SIGN UP HERE FOR HOULLIANS
NOW I hear that Appelbee's is doing the Same Birthday type promo so head over and sign up you can have an AWESOME free Birthday out too... WOO HOO I hope its retro active (my b-day was 3 weeks back)
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
my MOTHER IN LAW saved Big today
I showed her how to clearance shop and this is what she got
she normaly would pay full price for this stuff but she did two transaction and got three tops she really loved and PJs for her Daughter!!!!
she had 2/ $10 off cards
Plus my braceletts ;)
She was Thrilled!!!!
Stuff I got for $0.15 today
to pay for the following
Mudd Tank Top... original price $24
Clearance ............................................$4.80
Sonoma Tank Top...Original price $24
Earings...(owls)... original............$12
Clearance ...........................................$4.80
Mudd Jewelry........original........$12
I split my items into separate transactions so I was allowed to use two gift card coupons for $10 off a purchase of $10!!!!
My mother in law added my bracelet to her transaction and I gave her the third card so I got those for free and she got the extra off her transaction as well!!!
Friday, April 13, 2012
How I made $40 from trash
I took a quick glance in the trash cans by my commnity mail boxes and I found some super awesome gift cards...I get all my clothes from khol's wth these. They can be combined with other offers and are good fre clarance items!
I also found 2 $5/30 coupons for publix coupons
This also works with recycle bins!
Often "junk" mail is trown out, coupons too...
One mans trash is Savngs Fairy cash!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
I just noticed I got double charged for Alexia potatoes!!!!
I did not have time to take a photo of my hall but I am pleased to report I saved over 50% in coupons and BOGOs!!
here is what I got
Publix Sour Cream
Kraft Single
Kraft Sheded cheddar
Kraft Milkbite bars strawberry
Kraft Milkbite bars chocolate
Kraft fresh takes Chili lime
Kraft fresh takes southwest
Simply Orange Juice most pulp
Publix Large eggs 18ct
6 vokos greek yougurt 5.3oz
Publix 1% milk gallon
Birds Eye SteamFresh Chefs Favorites Creamed spinich
Birds Eye Steamfresh Chefs Favorites Lightly sauced California mix
Publix Frozen peas 16oz
Alexia Sweet Potato Waffle Fries
Alexia Potato Wedges Olive oil and Parm
Hungry Jack Compleate Pancake Mix (box not pouch)
Hungry Jack Syurp ( the one you stick in the microwave and has a no drip smily face)
CLEARANCE Jell-o (plain gellitian your supose to mix in soda but I might put sprite and fruit)
Belvita Apple Cinnamon breakfast biscuts
2 Kellogg's Cocoa Crispies
Crystal Light on the go Energy Grape
Crystal Light Ice Tea/ Lemon 8ct
2 loaves of Natures Own Whole Wheat Bread
Velveeta Skillet BBQ chicken
Velveeta Skillet Chicken and Broccoli
Snackwells 100 calorie packs chocolate pretzels
Snackwells 100 calorie packs yogurt pretzels
Oreo Cookies
2 boxes whole wheat Barrilla angel hair
2 cans publix black beans
4 cans publix diced tomatos
Canned Glory brand mixed greens
Mccormic Perppercorn medley
4 boxes 10ct capri-sun
3 zuccinni
My total was 101.21
then I used
FOUND AT STORE or on Products
2 $5/30 publix ( I was allowed to use 2 my total was really high, I might have used 3 but I didnt wanna push the issue they do say "one per transaction and I asked the CSM if I could use two results may vary)
1 Target printable for $1/1 Belvita
BOGO Milkbites Coupons
$1 produce with shedded cheese
$1 off bread with sliced cheese
$1/2 Alexia items (green Products that make a difference)
$1 off Mcormick (green Products that make a difference)
2 $0.75/1 Crystal light Stocking spree mailed booklet
2 $1/3 Vokos Yogurts yellow ad
2 $1/1 alexia products
-$1/1 Simply Orange, 59 or 89 fl oz, any variety
2-$0.75 off any Nature’s Own 100% Whole Grain Bread coupon
2-$1.50/2 Kraft Fresh Take, Philadelphia or Milkbite Products
2 $1 off Cheese in FLORIDA
2 -$1/3 Voskos Greek Yogurt 03/18/2012 SS
-$1/2 Crystal Light 03/18/2012 SS Insert
-B3G1 Capri Sun Roarin’ Waters or Capri Sun, 10 ct only (Excludes 100% juice) – 03-18-12 SS
2- $0.75 off Velvetta skillets3/18/2012 SS
-$1/2 Rice Krispies or Cocoa Krispies (10oz+) 04/01/2012 RP
2-$0.75/1 Snackwell’s Bars 2/5/2012 SS
$2/2 Kellogs Rice Krispies, Cocoa Crispies and Gallon of milk (inside Kellogs Mini wheats
FREE Hungry Jack Pancake mix WYB Hungery Jack syrup
2- $0.35 off Birdseye steam fresh chefs favorites (found at aprons station)
Monday, April 9, 2012
Good prices on publix items !!!
-$1/2 Prego Sauces 02/26/2012 SS
-$1/1 Snackwell’s Bars 2/5/2012 SS
-$1/2 Barilla Pasta & Sauce 03/18/2012 SS
-$1/2 Velveeta Cheesy Skillets Dinner Kits or Cheesy Potatoes 03/18/2012 SS
-$1/1 Ken’s Dressing, 16 oz 03/11/2012 SS
-$0.75/1 Meow Mix, dry, 3 lbs+ 04/01/2012 RP
-$1/1 Kraft Natural Chunk Cheese, any 7 to 8 oz
-$1/3 Voskos Greek Yogurt 03/18/2012 SS
-$0.50/1 Bounty Quilted Napkins 04/01/2012 P&G Insert
Thursday, April 5, 2012
WD DEALS !!!! no printing required
$1/2 Velveeta Cheesy Skillets Dinner Kits or Cheesy Potatoes 03/18/2012 SS
Stove Top Stuffing, 6 oz, BOGO $2.29
-$0.50/1 Stove Top Stuffing Mix 03/25/2012 SS Insert
Nature’s Own or Flowers Whitewheat Bread 20 to 24 oz, BOGO $3.19-$.50/1 Nature’s Own Bread, any – 02-26-12 SS
Mt Olive Pickles, Chips, Dills, or Spears, 24 to 46 oz, BOGO $3.99-$1/1 Mt. Olive Pickles, Peppers, or Relish Product 01/22/2012 SS
-$0.55/1 Mt. Olive Product, hangtag
Kraft Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip, 22 to 30 oz, BOGO $5.49-$.75/2 Kraft Mayonnaise 3/25 SS
Ken’s Salad Dressing, 16 oz, BOGO $3.99-$1/1 Ken’s Dressing, 16 oz 03/11/2012 SS
A1 Steak Sauce, 10 oz, BOGO $3.99-$1/1 A1 Steak Sauce, 10 oz+ 03/11/2012 SS
Betty Crocker Specialty Potatoes, 4.5 to 6.6 oz, BOGO $2.19-$0.50/2 Betty Crocker Potatoes, except potato buds 03/25/2012 SS
Hormel Cure 81 Boneless Ham 1/4 sliced or half, BOGO $5.99/lb-$2/1 Hormel Cure 81 Boneless Ham 3/25 SS
Tyson Chicken, 10 to 13.25 oz, 2/$5-$1/1 Tyson Any’tizers 03/04/2012 SS Insert
there is some BOGO meat but I am really not into it I still have a lot of meat
I might grab these two
Winn Dixie Quick Frozen Skinless Boneless Chicken Breasts or Tenderloins, 40 oz, BOGO $10.99
Winn Dixie Regular or Thin Sliced Center Cut Boneless Pork Chops, BOGO $6.49 | |
$3.25 per pound. |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Care for free chicken?
I just left publix with the possably the last 5ct allergra in Orlando $6.49
Used the q from sunday paper +.51¢
Then got bogo oceanspray (free after Bogo Q 30187zip)
I bought 8 carefree pantyliners $1.29
used 2/ .50¢ prints and 8 $2.00 off from green flyer
Got chicken and cat food with overage + $1.50 back
There are also carefree copons in the 3/18/ss
Thursday, March 29, 2012
GREAT PUBLIX TODAY $1.50 for 12oz Gevalia Kaffe
Gevalia Kaffe, 12 oz, BOGO $8.99
-$2/1 Gevalia Coffee, 12 oz+ Bag 02/26/2012 SS
$1/1 12oz gelvia kaffe Target coupon
French’s French Fried Onions, 6 oz, BOGO $3.71
-$0.75/1 French’s French Fried Onions 03/25/2012 SS Insert
Mt. Olive Pickles, 4 pk or 16 to 32 oz, BOGO $2.99
-$1/1 Mt. Olive Pickles, Peppers, or Relish Product 01/22/2012 SS
$0.55/1 hangtag
Pepperidge Farm Cookies, 5 to 6.6 oz bag BOGO $3.99
-$1/2 Pepperidge Farm Cookies 03/11/2012 SS
Birds Eye Frozen Vegetables, 4 to 12 ct or 7.5 to 28.8 oz, 50% off
-$0.35/1 Birds eye Steamfresh Chefs Favorite flyer at Publix
Florida Celery, 99¢
Semi-Boneless Ham Half, $1.69/lb
Sweet Potatoes, $.49/lb
Florida Salad Peppers 2 lb, $3.29
Hellmann’s Mayonnaise, 30 oz, BOGO $4.73
-$1/1 Hellmann’s Mayo 3/25/2012 RP
Pepsi 2 L, BOGO $1.75
Uncle Ben’s Whole Grain & Wild Rice, or Whole Grain & Wild or Whole Grain White Rice, 4.2 to 6.7 oz, BOGO $1.99
-$0.55/2 Uncle Ben’s Long Grain & Wild Rice
Cool Whip Whipped Topping, 8 oz, BOGO $1.67
-$0.50/2 Cool Whip Whipped Topping 03/25/2012 SS Insert
Alexia All Natural Arisan Breads, 10.5 to 14 oz, BOGO $3.69
-$1/1 Alexia Frozen Product
Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5 to 8 oz, BOGO $3.99
$1/1 Cheese Shredded, blocked or cubed (fl only Use 32833)
Pepperidge Farm Cookies, 5 to 6.6 oz bag BOGO $3.99
-$0.75/1 Pepperidge Farm Chocolate Chunk Crispy Cookies or Soft Baked Cookies 03/11/2012 SS
Kraft American Singles, 12 oz, 2/$4
$1/2 Kraft Cheese Items, excludes single serve, Void in CA, TN, LA, TARGET coupon (exp 04/07/2012)
Edwards or Mrs Smith’s Pies, 25.5 to 45 oz, 50% off
-$1/1 Mrs. Smith’s or Edwards’ Whole Pie Product, any 23 oz or greater – 03-25-ss
Reynolds Wrap Foil, 30 to 75 sf, $2.99
-$1.50/1 Reynolds Wrap Foil (35 sq. ft. or larger, excluding Wrappers™ foil sheets) zip 12345
Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 16 oz, $1.29
Publix Salad Blend, 5 to 12 oz, 2/$4
Navel Oranges, $0.89/lb
Florida Cucumbers, 2/$1
Publix Coleslaw, 16 oz, $1.29
Florida Vine Ripened Tomatoes, $1.29/lb
Florida Yellow or Zucchini Squash, $1.29/lb
Monday, March 26, 2012
Every time I go to the Movies I use my Regal Crown Club card to earn point toward rewards.
This weekend when we went to see The Hunger Games I got a Free Soda (which was what they call small but is about 16oz or larger) ever 50 or 100 points I get a Free Pop Corn, Movie ticket etc. When you go see certain movies you are entered into sweepstakes to win fabulous prizes associated with what ever movie you saw. You also get points at the concession stand and bonus points for seeing popular films (I got bonus point for the Lorax last month)
SO I would suggest going to the customer service or box office center and inquiring about rewards programs I really enjoy getting free drinks and things especially when I rarely pay for the tickets in the first place!!!!!!!
The Rewards of giving
My husband and I stop every couple of month and give blood. recently we started getting Free Movie tickets each time we donate! Plus this time we Got key chains and my hubby just got a 3 gallon pin. We have been called to say we can have gift cards to resturants and grocery stores and other great benifts.
This time around we went to see the Hunger Games
The Benifits reach way beyond the thing they give you. People in surgeries and in accedents are often saved by blood tranfusions. I rest easy at night knowing that my blood could have saved a person today, I hope that you concider going to give blood even if its only for free movie tickets.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Fishermans Warf Fish is Still BOGO up to $7.99 (I get the Flounder)
W-D SPICES & Extracts ARE BOGO (could be good deals there )
OREO's are $2.99 (theres a $2.00 peeler on the product great if your buying milk)
I got a print from there FB but I am not sure if you still can get it )
I got a lot of $1/2 nabisco coupons from the cracker ilse so maybe you can too
Kens dressing is too, theres a coupon for them in the 3/11 RP
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Free I cant believe its not Butter
$1.25 coupon (zip code 90210 Print and use Two one for each tub)
Target Coupon for $.75/2 they pay you to take it!!!!!
Honey Bunches of O's Fruity Blends (They are $2.77 at my store!)
$1/1 Post Honey Bunches of Oats Fruit Blends 02/26/SS
there is also a $2 Target Coupon wyb a 64oz silk product (thats a really great deal)there were still $1Coupons for silk when I just checked!!!
Sam loves the Blue berry bannana!
Quaker Chewy Granola Bars or Smashbars Snack Bars, 6.1 to 6.7oz, BOGO $2.99
there is a $0.75/1 in the 3/18 rp for the yogurt kind thats $1.50 for 2 boxes if they are included!!!
Kraft or Seven Seas Dressing, 14 to 16 oz, BOGO $2.85
$1/2 Target Coupon
-$1 off Produce wyb 2 Kraft Dressing tear pad ( i got one left!)
Welch’s Squeezable Jelly, 22 oz, BOGO $2.39
-$0.55/1 Welch`s 02/12/2012 RP ($1.75 for 2!!!)
$.55/1 from welch's =)
Kellogg’s Eggo Waffles, 9.8 to 12.6 oz, BOGO $3.25-$0.75/2 Eggo Waffle 3/11/SS
+ Look syrup!!!!\/\/\/
Log Cabin Syrup, 24 oz, BOGO $3.89-$1/1 Log Cabin All Natural Syrup 22 oz or larger IF YOU CAN FIND THIS ONE your good!
Pepperidge Farm Hot Dogs Buns, 12.5 to 15 oz, BOGO $3.29-$0.50/1 Pepperidge Farms Bakery Product 02/26/ SS (I still have Hot dogs dont you?!)
Kraft Shredded Cheese or Chunk Cheese,BOGO $3.49
$1.50/2 cooking with Kraft
$1/2 kraft cheese products Target Coupon
Voskos Greek Yogurt, 4.6 to 5.3 oz, 10/$10-$1/3 Voskos Greek Yogurt 03/18/2012 SS Insert
Kraft Fresh Take Cheese Breadcrumb Mix, 6 oz, 2/$4
$1/1 Kraft Fresh Take Cheese & Breadcrumb Mix 02/26/2012 SS-$1 on Chicken wyb Kraft Fresh Take peelie
Nabisco Belvita Breakfast Biscuits, 6 ct, 2/$5
-$1/1 BelVita Breakfast Biscuits 02/26/ss
Simply 100% Orange, Apple, or Grapefruit Juice, 59 oz, 2/$6-$.50/1 Simply Orange products manufacturer’s coupon Walgreens “Heart Health and You” magazine (I might go get one of these) $1 offTarget Coupon
THere is also a ton of Produce on sale to use that Kraft coupon with!!!!!
Buy the NAme brand and Publix gives you theirs!!!!
you can get one all or some of these
Guess whos gettin spounges and Pine-Sol (heres a hint ME!)
there are coupons for this too -$1/2 Windex Glass Cleaner 03/25/2012 SS (thats Sunday so Wait $0.50/1 Pine-Sol (you got to work for it by writing a review)
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Are you a Man ? Do you like free stuff?
Monday, March 19, 2012
Something special inside!
I always check inside the boxes and lables of my packaged products! I frequently find coupons for that or related products, recipes and serving ideas and even fun activities inside of kids products! I love when I get coupons for new products inside things I love!
EASTER AD from Publix
called HAPPY EASTER!!!
I am really Excited because I have a Hormel Completes Coupon for BOGO
and The Kids meals are 2/$3!!!! Spring break lunch is done baby!!!!
Match UP coupons to use together!!!
1.50/1 Kellogg’s Raisin Bran Cereal 25.5 oz, Kellogg’s Fiber Plus or Smart Start Cereal
-$1/3 Kellogg’s Cereal 03/04/2012 RP Insert (THATS $1.75 OFF EACH wyb 3)
$2/1 Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, Bite Size Frosted Mini Wheats, or Raisin Bran Crunch Cereal 23 oz
Lots of Kellogs Coupos if you sign up!
75¢/1 Jif Peanut Butter 17.3 to 80 oz
$1/1 Spice Islands Spice
$1 off From FB
$1/1 Mrs Paul’s Parchment Bake 7.2 oz
Buy one Parchment fish, Get a steam freash Free
FREE Publix Saltine Crackers 16 oz wyb 3 Hormel Chili with Beans 15 oz
-$0.55/2 Hormel Chili 01/15/2012 SS
Meal Planing = Big Savings
I buy all meat on sale unless I have a coupon for it. I sometimes tend to forget what I have in my cabinets too so What I do to save time money, FRUSTRATION is once a month (usually after my Biggest shopping trip) I make a meal calender to Plan my families dinners around the great sale items I have purchased. This way everything is getting used, if anything is needed for the meal I plan (like Chili powder or Lettuce) I know in advance and dont waste money stopping to get something last minute that I forgot and needed for some dish I just decided to make that day. II also Enjoy knowing what I need to set out and how much time I will need to allot for cooking that night. I hove found this to be a very useful tool in cutting down on "I have to run out and get ____" trips as well
I would suggest starting with a weekly menu, I do a month one because I Like to plan well in advance, I check my meal plans once a week to make sure everything I need is on hand. If there some ingredient I am out of I either look up a coupon or sale for that and stop when I am already passing the store or I change out the ingredient with something I have on hand (like if I am suppose to make chicken Parmesan and I run out of Parmesan I substitute Mozzarella or make a chicken backed ziti in stead) here is an example of one of my Menus! My family loves it and I usually make them Festive for the holiday occurring that month. this months was plane because of the Move and such I didn't have time to cut out clovers :(
I cant believe your not paying
Word on the street is that I cant believe its not butter is going to be BOGO
starting Thursday
the price is $2.45
THere is a COUPON under zip code 90210 for $1.25/1
AND a $0.75/2 Target coupon too so
were talking Free + an overage if you have 2 of the printable and one TARGET!!!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Get the paper today lots of coupons
Today there were 3 coupon inserts and a publix booklet with coupons and sales in it
Go grab 2 and mark them so you can match up quickly later! So run to the store now!
Dont forget the suave cbs deal!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
One stop one store! Coupons
Today in Publix A Green Glitter clad woman handed me a booklet filled with Publix coupons forcleaning andpersonal products
You can combine a lot of them with Manfactures coupons for great deals.