Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dont Toss it till the dates passed!!!!

I am so mad at myself. All week long I have been looking forward to free Sabra Hummus this week from Publix. It totally slipped my mind that I thought the coupons expired on Wednesday and I tossed them out on Monday. I do this more than is acceptable. I usually go through my coupons on Monday and the coupons that expire that week that I am not going to use I chuck out, including printed coupons I did not check IHEARTPUBLIX.COM's match up on Monday assumed I wouldn't use the coupon before the expiration date and misjudged that date as Wednesdays date (Head slap)
So my advice to you is to only throw out coupons when they have Passed their expiration date and not a day before because you could be throwing dollars down the drain :(

here is my Publix trip today
I only spent $6.88 and I forgot to bring My silk coupons for free singles so I will be going back this weekend, I think I need cat food anyway !!! BLURG!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Site for printables

they have a lot of coupos for stuff like soda and some organic products I never have seen coupons for before!!!! I am super jazzed about the flippin hummus and doritos coupons!!!